Children's Dining Etiquette
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Children’s Dining Etiquette
Dates: Session I: Thursday, February 27
Session II: Saturday, March 29
Session III: Thursday, May 29
Times: Session I: 3:30-5:00pm
Session II: 10:00-11:30am
Session III: 4:00-5:30pm
Who: Grades 2-7
Fee: $75
Location: Session I: 12 Mudge Way, Bedford
Session II & III: Brick Building, 97 School St, Carlisle
Instructor: Nikki Sawhney, New England School of Protocol
Like to take your school aged children out to eat with you at a fine dining or large social event but you’re a little afraid how they might behave? Actually, the earlier the better when it comes to teaching children dining etiquette. Sam Sifton, Food Editor for the New York Times states, “Kids are awesome, and they should be a part of the dining experience,” says Sifton. “Anytime we go t a restaurant, we are entering into a social contract with everyone else in the restaurant. I’m not trying to ruin your good time, and you’re not trying to ruin mine. It’s important to model that behavior, so kids can accept the social contract and have a good time.” Introducing your child to proper table manners and dining etiquette today can help build their confidence in any social settings tomorrow! Topics Include: Approaching and seating at the table, The napkin and its uses, understanding place setting, How to correctly hold silverware, The bread & butter plate, The soup course, Proper use of silverware, American and Continental styles of dining. Passing food at the table, What to do with unwanted food, Appropriate table conversation, Excusing yourself from the table, Other table manners & much more.