Carlisle Recreation Department
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Time Machine Challenge Island Register View Cart

Time Machine Challenge Island
Dates:  Mondays, September 9-October 21 (No Class 10/14) (Make-Up 10/28)**
Time:   3:15-4:15*
Who:   Grades 3-5
Fee:     $260 (6 Wks)
Instructor: Challenge Island Staff
Location: Brick Building, 97 School Street, Carlisle
This terrific time-traveling island is filled with iconic challenges inspired by famous historical events and eras. Gold rush Mountain©, Pyramid Peak©, Pinball Wizard©, and Mayflower Harbor© are just a few of the Time Machine Island destinations that are sure to down in history.  *Join the Minecraft Lego class for an extra-long day of fun! **The Recreation Director or Instructor will plan to meet the children at the end of the school day and walk with them to class.

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Time Machine Challenge Island 
N/A 3 - 5 09/09/2024 - 10/21/2024
03:15 PM - 04:15 PM

The Brick Building
$260.00 Res, $260.00 Non-Res
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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